Choreonoid Python モジュール(AssimpPlugin)
Choreonoid Assimp Utility module
- class cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneLoader
AssimpSceneLoader : loading mesh file as a scene for Util/SceneGraph in choreonoid using Assimp ( )
- __init__(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneLoader) None
- load(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneLoader, arg0: str) cnoid.Util.SgNode
Loading a mesh file using Assimp ( )
- パラメータ:
filename (str) -- Filename to be loaded
- 戻り値:
Root object of loaded mesh
- 戻り値の型:
- setCreaseAngle(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneLoader, arg0: float) None
Setting creaseAngle
- パラメータ:
angle (float) -- Set creaseAngle
- setForceGenerateNormals(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneLoader, arg0: bool) None
Setting flag for generating normals, even if the original mesh has normals
- パラメータ:
on (boolean) -- If True, forcing to generate normals
- setMessageSinkStdErr(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneLoader) None
Setting MessageSkin to stderr. It is required to read error messages in console
- パラメータ:
None --
- class cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter
AssimpSceneWriter : Saving a scene for Util/SceneGraph in choreonoid as a mesh file using Assimp ( )
- __init__(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter) None
- generatePrimitiveMesh(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter, arg0: bool) None
Setting for generating meshes for primitives
- パラメータ:
on (boolean) -- If True, this scene writer generates a mesh file including meshes converted from primitive type
- ignoreURDFPrimitive(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter, arg0: bool) None
Setting for ignoring primitives used in URDF
- パラメータ:
on (boolean) -- If True, this scene writer ignore primitive type in URDF(Box, Cylinder, Sphere)
- property outputType
Setting output type of saving mesh. If not set, output type is determined from filename. For saving mesh as 'stl', you shoud set outputType = 'stlb', if you want a stl binary file.
- パラメータ:
output_type (str) -- output type to be set
- Returns
str : Current output type
- setExpandVertices(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter, arg0: bool) None
Expanding vertices to represent that each vertices has a normal
- パラメータ:
on (boolean) -- If True, expanding vertices
- setMessageSinkStdErr(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter) None
Setting MessageSkin to stderr. It is required to read error messages in console
- パラメータ:
None --
- setVerbose(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter, arg0: bool) None
Setting debug message level
- パラメータ:
on (boolean) -- Set debug message level
- writeScene(self: cnoid.AssimpPlugin.AssimpSceneWriter, arg0: str, arg1: cnoid.Util.SgNode) bool
Writing scene as a mesh file using Assimp ( )
- パラメータ:
filename (str) -- Filename to be saved
node (cnoid.Util.SgNode) -- An object of SceneGraph to be saved
- 戻り値:
If the process succeeds, True is returned.
- 戻り値の型:
- cnoid.AssimpPlugin.registerAssimpSceneLoader() None