irsl_choreonoid_ros モジュール
- irsl_choreonoid_ros.cnoid_ros_util.parseURLROS(url)
Refere parseURL in irsl_choreonoid.cnoid_util
- パラメータ:
url (str) -- url
- 戻り値:
Absolute path
- 戻り値の型:
>>> parseURLROS('package://ros_package_name/dir/file') /catkin_ws/install/share/ros_package_name/dir/file
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.setup_cnoid.SetupCnoid(rootItem=None, worldItem=None)
Utility class for setting .cnoid file from python script
- __init__(rootItem=None, worldItem=None)
- パラメータ:
rootItem (cnoid.Base.Item, optional) -- If set, it is used as root for creating environment
worldItem (cnoid.Base.WorldItem, optional) -- If set, it is used as a worldItem
- buildEnvironment(info_dict, world='World', createWorld=False, setCamera=False, offset=None)
Building environment (setting objects) under the WorldItem
- パラメータ:
dict['key' (info_dict () -- value] ) : Dictionary for representing objects on environment
world (str, default='World') -- Name of WorldItem, added objects under this item
craeteWorld (boolean, default=False) -- If True, creating new WorldItem
setCamera (boolean, default=False) -- If True, set camera position
offset (cnoid.IRSLCoords.coordinates) -- Offset of objects
- createCnoid(info_dict, addDefaultSimulator=True, addDefaultWorld=True, noEnvironment=False)
Creating project from parameters
- パラメータ:
dict['key' (info_dict () -- value] ) : Dictionary for representing the project
addDefaultSimulator (boolean, default=True) -- If True, adding new SimulatorItem if there is no instruction in info_dict
addDefaultWorld (boolean, default=True) -- If True, adding new WorldItem if there is no instruction in info_dict
noEnvironment (boolean, default=False) -- If True, not adding environment(objects). Use buildEnvironment method.
- buildEnvironmentFromYaml(yamlFile, **kwargs)
Building environment from yaml-file
- パラメータ:
yamlFile (str) -- File name to load
kwargs (dict) -- Keyword to pass to setup_cnoid.buildEnvironment
- createCnoidFromYaml(yamlFile, **kwargs)
Creating project from yaml-file
- パラメータ:
yamlFile (str) -- File name to load
kwargs (dict) -- Keyword to pass to setup_cnoid.createCnoid
- classmethod setEnvironmentFromYaml(yamlFile, **kwargs)
Setup environment from yaml-file (classmethod of buildEnvironmentFromYaml)
- パラメータ:
yamlFile (str) -- File name to load
kwargs (dict) -- Keyword to pass to setup_cnoid.buildEnvironment
- 戻り値:
Instance of setup_cnoid
- 戻り値の型:
- classmethod setCnoidFromYaml(yamlFile, **kwargs)
Setup project from yaml-file (classmethod of createCnoidFromYaml)
- パラメータ:
yamlFile (str) -- File name to load
kwargs (dict) -- Keyword to pass to setup_cnoid.createCnoid
- 戻り値:
Instance of setup_cnoid
- 戻り値の型:
- classmethod setupEnvironment(info, **kwargs)
Building environment (setting objects) under the WorldItem (class method)
- パラメータ:
dict['key' (info_dict () -- value] ) : Dictionary for representing objects on environment
world (str, default='World') -- Name of WorldItem, added objects under this item
craeteWorld (boolean, default=False) -- If True, creating new WorldItem
setCamera (boolean, default=False) -- If True, set camera position
offset (cnoid.IRSLCoords.coordinates) -- Offset of objects
- classmethod setupCnoid(info, **kwargs)
Creating project from parameters (class method)
- パラメータ:
dict['key' (info_dict () -- value] ) : Dictionary for representing the project
addDefaultSimulator (boolean, default=True) -- If True, adding new SimulatorItem if there is no instruction in info_dict
addDefaultWorld (boolean, default=True) -- If True, adding new WorldItem if there is no instruction in info_dict
noEnvironment (boolean, default=False) -- If True, not adding environment(objects). Use buildEnvironment method.
- startSimulator(realTime=None)
Starting simulation
- パラメータ:
realTime (boolean, default=None) -- If True, simulator will run with realtime sync mode
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.RobotInterface.MobileBaseInterface(info, robot=None, **kwargs)
Interface for controlling locomotion of the robot
- __init__(info, robot=None, **kwargs)
- property mobile_initialized
Initialized check of MobileBase
- 戻り値:
True returns, if MobileBase instance has been initialized
- 戻り値の型:
- property mobile_connected
Connection check of MobileBase
- 戻り値:
True returns, if MobileBase instance has been connected
- 戻り値の型:
- waitFinishMoving(timeout=1.0)
Wait to finish moving of MobileBase
- パラメータ:
timeout (float, default=1.0) --
- 戻り値:
False returns, if timeout.
- 戻り値の型:
- stop()
Stop moving of MobileBase
- パラメータ:
None --
- move_velocity(vel_x, vel_y, vel_th)
Set moving velocity of MobileBase
- パラメータ:
vel_x (float) -- Velocity of x-axis [ m/sec ]
vel_y (float) -- Velocity of y-axis [ m/sec ]
vel_th (float) -- Angular velocity of yaw [ radian/sec ]
- property currentCoordsOnMap
Current robot's coordinate on the map frame
- 戻り値:
Current robot's coordinate on the map
- 戻り値の型:
- property currentCoordsOnOdom
Current robot's coordinate on the odom frame
- 戻り値:
Current robot's coordinate on the odom
- 戻り値の型:
- coordsOnMap(time=None)
Current robot's coordinate on the map frame
- パラメータ:
time (rospy.Time, optional) -- Time using to solve TF
- 戻り値:
Current robot's coordinate on the map
- 戻り値の型:
- coordsOnOdom(time=None)
Current robot's coordinate on the odom frame
- パラメータ:
time (rospy.Time, optional) -- Time using to solve TF
- 戻り値:
Current robot's coordinate on the odom
- 戻り値の型:
- move_position(coords, wrt=<wrt.local: 1>)
Set target position for MobileBase, target is reletive to current robot's coordinates
- パラメータ:
coords (cnoid.IRSLCoords.coordinates) -- Target coordinates for moving (reletive to current robot's coordinates)
- move_on_map(coords, relative=False, time=None, wrt=<wrt.local: 1>)
Set target position on map for MobileBase, target is relative to map coordinates
- パラメータ:
coords (cnoid.IRSLCoords.coordinates) -- Target coordinates for moving (map coordinates)
relative (boolean, default = False) -- If True, trajectory is considered it is relative to robot's coordinates.
time (rospy.Time, optional) -- If relative is True, use this time to solve tf
() (wrt) --
- wait_move_on_map(timeout=None)
Wait until move_on_map method finished
- パラメータ:
timeout (float, optional) -- If set, maximum waiting time is set
- move_trajectory_map(trajectory, relative=False, time=None, wrt=<wrt.local: 1>)
Set target trajectory (based on tf of map) for MobileBase (odometry relative move)
- パラメータ:
trajectory (list[(cnoid.IRSLCoords.coordinates, float)]) -- List of pair of coordinates and time
relative (boolean, default = False) -- If True, trajectory is considered it is relative to robot's coordinates.
time (rospy.Time, optional) -- If relative is True, use this time to solve tf
() (wrt) --
- move_trajectory(trajectory, relative=False, time=None, wrt=<wrt.local: 1>)
Set target trajectory for MobileBase (odometry relative move)
- パラメータ:
trajectory (list[(cnoid.IRSLCoords.coordinates, float)]) -- List of pair of coordinates and time
relative (boolean, default = False) -- If True, trajectory is considered it is relative to robot's coordinates.
time (rospy.Time, optional) -- If relative is True, use this time to solve tf
() (wrt) --
- wait_move_trajectory(timeout=None)
Wait until move_trajectory method finished
- パラメータ:
timeout (float, optional) -- If set, maximum waiting time is set
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.RobotInterface.JointInterface(info, robot=None, **kwargs)
Interface for controlling joints of the robot
- __init__(info, robot=None, **kwargs)
- property joint_initialized
Initialized check of JointInterface
- 戻り値:
True returns, if JointInterface instance has been initialized
- 戻り値の型:
- property joint_connected
Connection check of JointInterface
- 戻り値:
True returns, if JointInterface instance has been connected
- 戻り値の型:
- property jointGroupList
Getting list of instance of joint-group
- 戻り値:
List of instance of joint-groups
- 戻り値の型:
list [ JointGroup ]
- property jointGroupNames
Getting list of name of joint-groups
- 戻り値:
List of name of joint-groups
- 戻り値の型:
list [ str ]
- getJointGroup(name)
Getting a instance of joint-group
- パラメータ:
name (str) -- Name of joint-group
- 戻り値:
Instance of joint-group
- 戻り値の型:
- sendAngles(tm=None, group=None)
Sending angles of self.robot to the actual robot
- パラメータ:
tm (float) -- Moving duration in second
group (str or list[str], optional) -- Name(s) of group to be used
- sendAngleVector(angle_vector, tm=None, group=None, wait=False, waitTimeout=None)
Sending angle-vector to the actual robot. angle_vector is set to self.robot
- パラメータ:
angle_vector (numpy.array) -- Vector of angles of whole body
tm (float) -- Moving duration in second
group (str or list[str], optional) -- Name(s) of group to be used
wait (boolean, defaut=False) -- Wait until finishing moveving
waitTimeout (float, optional) -- Pass to waitUntilFinish
- sendAngleVectorSequence(angle_vector_list, tm_list, group=None, wait=False, waitTimeout=None)
- パラメータ:
angle_vector_list (list [numpy.array]) -- List of vectors of angles
tm_list (list[ float ]) -- List of moving durations in second
group (str or list[str], optional) -- Name(s) of group to be used
wait (bolean, default=False) -- wait until finishing move
waitTimeout (float, optional) -- Pass to waitUntilFinish
- sendAngleMap(angle_map, tm, group=None, wait=False, waitTimeout=None)
Sending angles to the actual robot. angles is set to self.robot
- パラメータ:
angle_map (dict[name, float]) -- Dictionary, whose key is joint-name, and value is joint-angle
tm (float) -- Moving duration in second
group (str or list[str], optional) -- Name(s) of group to be used
- isFinished(group=None)
Checking method for finishing to send angles
- パラメータ:
group (str or list[str], optional) -- Name(s) of group to be used
- 戻り値:
If True, the robot is not moving
- 戻り値の型:
- waitUntilFinish(timeout=None, group=None)
Waiting until finishing joint moving
- パラメータ:
timeout (float, optional) -- Time for timeout
group (str or list[str], optional) -- Name(s) of group to be used
- 戻り値:
False returns, if timeout.
- 戻り値の型:
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.RobotInterface.DeviceInterface(info, robot=None, **kwargs)
Interface for receiving data from sensors on the robot
- __init__(info, robot=None, **kwargs)
- property device_initialized
Initialized check of DeviceInterface
- 戻り値:
True returns, if DeviceInterface instance has been initialized
- 戻り値の型:
- property device_connected
Connection check of DeviceInterface
- 戻り値:
True returns, if all devices in this instance have been connected
- 戻り値の型:
- property deviceList
Getting list of the instances for gathering data from the device
- 戻り値:
List of the instances for gathering data
- 戻り値の型:
list [ RosDeviceBase ]
- property deviceNames
Getting list of name of the devices
- 戻り値:
List of name of the devices
- 戻り値の型:
list [ str ]
- getDevice(name)
Getting the instance for gathering data from the device
- パラメータ:
name (str) -- Name of the device
- 戻り値:
The instance witch has the same name as given name
- 戻り値の型:
- getDevicesByClass(cls)
Getting the list of device which is a typical class
- パラメータ:
cls (Class) -- Class of the device
- 戻り値:
List of the instance whose class is subclass of cls
- 戻り値の型:
list [obj]
- data(name, clear=False)
Getting data from the device
- パラメータ:
name (str) -- Name of the device
clear (boolean, default = False) -- Clear current-data
- 戻り値:
Data from the device. Type of a return value depends on type of the devide.
- 戻り値の型:
- waitData(name, timeout=None, clear=False)
Getting data, waiting if there is no current data
- パラメータ:
name (str) -- Name of the device
timeout (float, optional) -- Time out in second
clear (boolean, default = False) -- Clear current-data
- 戻り値:
Data from the device. Type of a return value depends on type of the devide.
- 戻り値の型:
- waitNextData(name, timeout=None, clear=False)
Getting data, waiting until subscribing new data
- パラメータ:
name (str) -- Name of the device
timeout (float, optional) -- Time out in second
clear (boolean, default = False) -- Clear current-data
- 戻り値:
Data from the device. Type of a return value depends on type of the devide.
- 戻り値の型:
- dataArray(names, clear=False)
Getting list of data from devices
- パラメータ:
names (list[str]) -- Name of the device
clear (boolean, default = False) -- Clear current-data
- 戻り値:
Data from the device. Type of a return value depends on type of the devide.
- 戻り値の型:
- waitDataArray(names, timeout=None, clear=False)
Getting list of data, waiting if there is no current data
- パラメータ:
names (list[str]) -- Name of the device
timeout (float, optional) -- Time out in second
clear (boolean, default = False) -- Clear current-data
- 戻り値:
Data from the device. Type of a return value depends on type of the devide.
- 戻り値の型:
- waitNextDataArray(names, timeout=None, clear=False)
Getting list of data, waiting until subscribing new data
- パラメータ:
names (list[str]) -- Name of the device
timeout (float, optional) -- Time out in second
clear (boolean, default = False) -- Clear current-data
- 戻り値:
Data from the device. Type of a return value depends on type of the devide.
- 戻り値の型:
- addDevice(dev, force=False)
Adding device to
- パラメータ:
dev (RosDeviceBase) -- Instance of device
force (boolean, default=False) -- If True, overwrite when duplicate
- Returns
boolean : Returns True if device was added successfully
- removeDevice(devname, purge=True)
Removing device from
- パラメータ:
devname (str) -- Name of device
purge (boolean, default=True) -- If True, destruct device object
- 戻り値:
Returns True if device was removed successfully
- 戻り値の型:
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.RobotInterface.OneShotSubscriber(topic, msg, size=1)
Subscribe just N messages
- __init__(topic, msg, size=1)
" :param topic: Name of Topic :type topic: str :param msg: Class instance of message to subscribe :type msg: class :param size: Size of messages to be subscribed :type size: int, default = 1
- waitResults(timeout=None)
"Waiting N results
- パラメータ:
topic (str) -- Name of Topic
msg (class) -- Class instance of message to subscribe
size (int, default = 1) -- Size of messages to be subscribed
- 戻り値:
Subscribed messages. If timeout occurs, None is returned.
- 戻り値の型:
list( ros_message )
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.RobotInterface.OneShotSyncSubscriber(topics, msgs, size=1, sync_message_queue_size=100, sync_slop=0.02)
Subscribe just N sync messages
- __init__(topics, msgs, size=1, sync_message_queue_size=100, sync_slop=0.02)
" :param topics: Name of Topic :type topics: list of str :param msgs: Class instance of message to subscribe :type msgs: list of class :param size: Size of messages to be subscribed :type size: int, default = 1 :param sync_message_queue_size: Size of message queue :type sync_message_queue_size: int, default = 100 :param sync_slop: Delay with which messages can be synchronized in seconds). :type sync_slop: float, default = 0.02
- waitResults(timeout=None)
"Waiting N results
- パラメータ:
timeout (float, default = None) -- Time for timeout
- 戻り値:
- class irsl_choreonoid_ros.RobotInterface.RobotInterface(file_name, node_name='robot_interface', anonymous=False, connection_wait=3.0, connection=True, MASTER_URI=None, MASTER=None, MASTER_PORT=11311, IP=None, HOSTNAME=None)
Interface for controllring robot (inheriting classes JointInterface, DeviceInterface and MobileBaseInterface)
At a instance of this interface, all methods in JointInterface, DeviceInterface and MobileBaseInterface can be used.
Then, please refer methods of these classes.
- __init__(file_name, node_name='robot_interface', anonymous=False, connection_wait=3.0, connection=True, MASTER_URI=None, MASTER=None, MASTER_PORT=11311, IP=None, HOSTNAME=None)
- パラメータ:
file_name (str) -- Name of setting.yaml file
node_name (str, default='robot_interface') -- Name of node
anonymous (boolean, default = False) -- If True, ROS node will start with this node-name.
connection_wait (float, default=3.0) -- Wait until ROS connection has established
connection (boolean, default=True) -- If false, create instace without ROS connection
MASTER_URI (str, optional) -- Set environment variable, ROS_MASTER_URI if MASTER is not set
MASTER (str, optional) -- Set environment variable, ROS_MASTER_URI = http://MASTER:MASTER_PORT
MASTER_PORT (int, default 11311) -- Set environment variable, ROS_MASTER_URI = http://MASTER:MASTER_PORT
IP (str, optional) -- Set environment variable, ROS_IP
HOSTNAME (str, optional) -- Set environment variable, ROS_HOSTNAME
- getRobotModel(asItem=True)
Return an instance of RobotModel (irsl_choreonoid.robot_util.RobotModelWrapped)
- パラメータ:
asItem (boolean, default=True) -- If True, model is generated as cnoid.BodyPlugin.BodyItem
- 戻り値:
Newly generated instance
- 戻り値の型:
- getActualRobotModel(asItem=True)
Return an instance of RobotModel (irsl_choreonoid.robot_util.RobotModelWrapped) with RobotInterface internal robot-model
- パラメータ:
asItem (boolean, default=True) -- If True, model is generated as cnoid.BodyPlugin.BodyItem
- 戻り値:
RobotModel created from RobotInterface internal robot-model
- 戻り値の型:
- copyRobot()
Return other instance of the robot model
- パラメータ:
None --
- 戻り値:
Copy of self.robot (this is not identical to self.robot)
- 戻り値の型:
- isRealRobot()
Checking this interface working with a real robot
- パラメータ:
None --
- Retuns:
boolean : If True, this interface connected to a real robot, otherwise connected to simulator
- property effortVector
Return vector of effort of actual robot (sensing value)
This method requires JointState class in devices
- 戻り値:
1 x N vector ( N is len(jointList) )
- 戻り値の型:
- property velocityVector
Return vector of velocity of actual robot (sensing value)
This method requires JointState class in devices
- 戻り値:
1 x N vector ( N is len(jointList) )
- 戻り値の型:
- property actualAngleVector
Return angle-vector of actual robot (sensing value)
This method requires JointState class in devices
- 戻り値:
1 x N vector ( N is len(jointList) )
- 戻り値の型:
- property referenceAngleVector
Return reference angle-vector (value of past command)
This method requires JointTrajectoryState class in devices
- 戻り値:
1 x N vector ( N is len(jointList) )
- 戻り値の型:
- property robot
Return instance of the robot model (applying sensor values)
- 戻り値:
Instance of the robot model using in this instance
- 戻り値の型:
- property jointRobot
Return instance of the robot model (using for sending command)
- 戻り値:
Instance of the robot model using in this instance
- 戻り値の型:
- oneShotSubscriber(topic, msg, size=1)
Return instance of OneShotSubscriber
- パラメータ:
topic (str) -- Name of Topic
msg (class) -- Class instance of message to subscribe
size (int, default = 1) -- Size of messages to be subscribed
- 戻り値:
Instance of OneShotSubscriber
- 戻り値の型:
one = ri.oneShotSubscriber('topicname', sensor_msgs.msg.Image) res = one.waitResults(5)
- oneShotSyncSubscriber(topics, msgs, size=1, sync_message_queue_size=100, sync_slop=0.02)
" :param topic: Name of Topic :type topic: list of str :param msg: Class instance of message to subscribe :type msg: list of class :param size: Size of messages to be subscribed :type size: int, default = 1 :param sync_message_queue_size: Size of message queue :type sync_message_queue_size: int, default = 100 :param sync_slop: Delay with which messages can be synchronized in seconds) :type sync_slop: float, default = 0.02
- 戻り値:
Instance of OneShotSyncSubscriber
- 戻り値の型:
one = ri.oneShotSyncSubscriber(['topicname1', 'topicname2'], [sensor_msgs.msg.Image, sensor_msgs.msg.CameraInfo]) res = one.waitResults(5)
- getRosDevice(topic, msg, name=None)
- パラメータ:
topic (str) -- Name of Topic
msg (class) -- Class instance of message to subscribe
name (str, default = 'rosdevice') -- Name of device
- 戻り値:
Instance of RosDevice
- 戻り値の型:
dev = ri.getRosDeivce('topicname', sensor_msgs.msg.Image, name='Camera0') res = dev.getNextData(5)